01: Set up

Getting any website up and running with all the moving parts (GitHub, Hugo, Netlify) can take a few tries. This article will help you get your 🦆 🦆 🦆 in a row.

02: Create your site

How to use the blogdown R package to create a new site, update the theme for an existing Hugo Apéro site, or convert an existing site to this theme.

03: Site configuration

Hugo uses the config.toml found in the site root to configure your site. In this article, we highlight key options in this file, and some options added by the Hugo Apéro theme which you can access in the [params] section.

04: Deploy your site

Netlify can build your website for you, and update it every time you push to GitHub 🚀 It’s called continuous deployment, and it is a beautiful thing.

05: Section configuration

Hugo allows you to use a page’s front matter (written in yaml, toml, or json) to keep metadata attached to markdown files. The motto in Hugo is ‘everything is a page.’ This includes listing pages, which we use to help users browse pages within a section.

06: Page configuration

The content you add to your site will all live inside single pages. Listing pages for sections help you organize your content, but the pages also can be configured to change the layout and add features.