Customize your homepage

The first page your visitors will see is the homepage. This should also be the first page you touch when you make your site. Add an image, social links, and an action link to help users hang out and explore your site longer.

Customize your about page

This theme includes a proper ‘about’ page- something that not a lot of Hugo themes provide! This page is meant to compliment your homepage. A good about page lets you keep your homepage brief and inviting, while still giving you the space to give your visitors the ‘cooks tour’ of your site.

Set up your social

This theme offers built-in Font Awesome icons and Academicons for organizing your collection of social accounts and their links. Use icons to help visitors find you wherever you want to be found, and learn how to show or hide them in your site’s header, footer, homepage, about page, and contact form.

Style your site typography

This theme offers three ways to customize your site’s fonts. Choose from 6 embedded font options, including 3 serif and 3 sans-serif fonts, or rely on system fonts with reliable fallbacks using Tachyons. You may also bring your own font files (CSS required!).

Style your site colors

This theme offers three ways to customize your site’s colors. Use one of 8 built-in color themes, or style your own palette using named colors from the Tachyons design system. You may also bring your own hex codes to make fully custom color palette that is all your own.